5 Ways to Cultivate Thought Partnership on LinkedIn

5 Ways to Cultivate Thought Partnership on LinkedIn

1. Post an Article on your News Feed

This may be the quickest way to keep a conversation going with your professional network. LinkedIn has a status update feature similar to other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter—you can post interesting and relevant articles from the front page by clicking  "Share an Update". Then, simply copy and paste the URL of an article you'd like to share, view and approve a thumbnail preview of the link, and add your own commentary in the text box below.

Tip: for each post on LinkedIn you have the option to share with Everyone, Connections (only 1st degree connections) or Everyone + Twitter (which will conveniently push a post to Twitter and draw visitors to your LinkedIn page).

What kind of thought partner are you?

What kind of thought partner are you?

The web and innovation culture have given us access to countless ‘thought leaders’ and inspired us with bold new ways of thinking about what’s possible. Now, organizations and individuals are looking to one another for "thought partnership"—conversations that help them turn inspiration into strategy.

From Mentorship to Sponsorship—Putting Something at Stake in Diversity

From Mentorship to Sponsorship—Putting Something at Stake in Diversity

As a small company working with large technology firms, we've learned some difficult lessons about how to navigate the corporate world. As the white, male founder of a firm, but with 'hidden' diversity (all of our current employees qualify as at least one protected class, such as women, members of the LGBT community and/or disabled) I have seen a lot of conversations where people assumed I was one of the old boys' club, and had at least as many where I was definitely not in the 'club.' What I've learned is that mentorship is the second prize: sponsorship is what really matters. I first heard the term 'sponsorship' at the BlogHer Business, Entertainment and Technology conference a few years ago. In contrast to the (useful) mentorship and coaching models, which are mostly about advice in a private setting, sponsorship is the concept of lending or giving tangible and intangible resources to others to help them get a leg up—like reputation, connections, leads, money or access

Thread? Weave? Brillo? What's Google up to in IoT?

Thread? Weave? Brillo? What's Google up to in IoT?

Recently, we've been getting asked about the differences between many different IoT standards. One of the biggest players is Google—and they've been approaching the world of IoT on many, many fronts. Their early investment in Nest placed them firmly at the front of the pack for the current wave of home automation. But Google has also been working on IoT backbones for many developers to use, in three key ways:

Apple's Reintermediation of Smartphones: The iPhone as a Service

Apple's Reintermediation of Smartphones: The iPhone as a Service

With Apple's recent announcement of their direct sales of not just smartphones, but phone & plan bundles, mainstream customers are about to experience a big, visible change in mobile business models. While lots of articles do a great job comparing Apple's new iPhone Upgrade Plan to similar carrier-specific offerings, there's another issue at hand behind the scenes as Apple closes the loop of the iPhone experience.

Will You Be the Dinosaur or the Disruptor?: Shifting from Analog to Digital

Will You Be the Dinosaur or the Disruptor?: Shifting from Analog to Digital

In the transition from a tangible business with physical products to one which also has software products and services embedded in everything the business does, some big cultural changes need to happen, and some deeply-held worldviews and mindsets need to shift. 

The Rural Broadband Association: Access at the Edge

The Rural Broadband Association: Access at the Edge

Work in the realm of cyborg anthropology means listening. Rural broadband access is a vital part of lessening the 'digital divide' between the know and known-nots—people who have access to the wealth of information, especially multimedia, on the web. 

Rebel Jam 2015 Re-Cap: Watch the Social Network of Things Live Presentation

Rebel Jam 2015 Re-Cap: Watch the Social Network of Things Live Presentation

On Friday June 26th, Causeit CEO MJ Petroni and consultant Jessica Long moderated and presented at Rebel Jam 2015. Rebel Jam is a 24 hour webcast organized by Corporate Rebels United, Rebels at Work, and Change Agents Worldwide. 

Join us for Rebel Jam 2015: 24 hours of collective wisdom with corporate rebels from around the globe

Join us for Rebel Jam 2015: 24 hours of collective wisdom with corporate rebels from around the globe

Causeit is excited to once again participate in Rebel Jam, a 24 hour webcast organized by @petervan's Corporate Rebels United, Rebels at Work, and Change Agents Worldwide. We first met Peter Vander Auwera in his work with @innotribe (a Causeit client), and are glad to support his work of helping the corporate rebels and misfits of the world find the best way to apply their brilliance to pressing global issues.

Causeit's Flipboard Magazines

We read a lot. So we ate our own dog food and got serious about focusing our own information diets—and sharing habits—in service of what our clients are really into. 

Take a look at our magazines on Flipboard (which you can find under the research tab of our website or by clicking here: https://flipboard.com/@causeit to see what we've been reading. 

Cleantech Forum SF 2015 (Running Notes)

So far, a great day here at the Cleantech Forum 2015. I'm seeing lots of great startups and committed corporates trying to connect the dots between old-school energy issues and new-school, software-driven solutions.

I've attached a few sketches of the problem spaces from the sessions for your commentary, and I look forward to reporting back with more tomorrow!

Please join us to take eighteen minutes to reflect on the 50+ years since MLK's speech

Please join us to take eighteen minutes to reflect on the 50+ years since MLK's speech

"We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice."

Mark Bonchek Talks Doctrine and Decision-Making

Mark Bonchek Talks Doctrine and Decision-Making

Mark Bonchek describes how organizations can use decision principles to empower employees to take action that is both timely and aligned with the organization's principles.

The Social Network of Things - MJ unpacks the core ideas of the SNT in this recent interview with TIA

During his recent visit to talk with members of the Telecom Industry Association, MJ was interviewed about cyborg anthropology, digital business platforms, innovation and the Social Network of Things. In this nine minute video, he unpacks some of the core concepts, opportunities and challenges that we are engaging with in our current work:

  • What is the Social Network of Things, and why is it important?
  • What does it mean to move from IT as a utility to informatics as a capability?
  • How do shifts in how technology is used—and what it's capable of—change the way companies do business with each other and with their customers?