innovation policy

Event: Corporate Rebels & Moving From Hierarchy to Network [30 May]

Event: Corporate Rebels & Moving From Hierarchy to Network [30 May]

​Causeit is proud to participate in @petervan's Corporate Rebels United. We first met Peter Vander Auwera in his work with @innotribe (a Causeit client), and are glad to support his work of helping the corporate rebels and misfits of the world find the best way to apply their brilliance to pressing global issues.  

Causeit will be speaking as part of Corporate Rebels United's 24-hour Global Rebel Jam, on the topic of how to prepare organizations for the transition from hierarchies to networks, build feedback loops ​and cultivate the business case for empathy. Causeit's Principal, MJ Petroni, will be speaking from 2:30-3:00 PT; login and registration details are below, along with some context from Corporate Rebels United.

How Good Ideas Become Real Innovations

How Good Ideas Become Real Innovations
An introduction to Causeit's research pilot Opening the Door for Innovation

Steven Johnson's deep dive into the patterns of innovators, Where Good Ideas Come From, explores the environmental factors supportive of innovation and how good ideas come to be. Johnson’s work centers on where innovations are conceived, but spends less time on the factors affecting their birth. While reading the book, it occurred to me to ask, “If so many brilliant ideas are emerging, why aren’t more being put into action?”